By day a DevOps Engineer, by night a civic hacker with a mind for change. I create web applications to support organizations trying to make an impact, including Code for America and its local brigade Code for Atlanta. At my job, I regularly participate in competitions to pitch effective solutions to industry challenges to execs.
On the side, I'm an alumni board member for the coding bootcamp that started my tech journey; I cohost a podcast on breaking into the tech field and mastering the job hunt; and I coordinate study groups for coding newbies.
An asset map that uses the Mapbox API to help users find black-owned restaurants in Atlanta and filter them by price, cuisine and location. Allows users to submit new restaurants as well.
An extension of the black-owned restaurants asset map, this web scraper uses Python and the Scraper framework to find the name, address, and contact information of black-owned businesses in Atlanta, then compiles it into a JSON file.
A Python, Django, and React web application that uses the Career One Stop API to help users determine a career path by listing the skills and education required for each career. Also provides local job centers and potential mentors to reach out to or learn from.
Improved new product centered on helping developers deploy containerized applications by adding Github OIDC setup and increased test coverage.
Facilitated large scale migration of 20+ operations from SQL queue to Azure ServiceBus and increased unit testing in this area to over 85%.
Managed deployment of 3 components to end to end testing environment for more robust testing.
Spearheaded design and implementation for large scale dead code removal following the ServiceBus migration.
Developed 2 design documents for a zero downtime database cross-region migration and Service Bus deadletter queue monitor.
Increased module security by creating permissions checking role interceptor.
Application Development Associate
Feb 2020 - Feb 2022, Atlanta
Utilized Docker and Kubernetes to spearhead migration of 8 microservices to private cloud platform and develop cloud native solutions.
Reduced Docker image security issues by an average of 90% across 24 cloud applications by implementing automated Prisma vulnerability scanning.
Conceptualized integration of 2 new softwares into current workflow, as well as an extended application of Kubernetes templating.
Developed a Python script that reduces Jenkins pipeline breaks and increases pipeline stability across 40 pipelines.
1 of 5 finalists in 60+ team pitch case competition for developing and pitching a product proposal solving a critical industry problem in the wake of the pandemic to Accenture leadership.
Freelance/Full Stack Engineer
Aug 2019 - Feb 2020, Atlanta
Managed the development from design to deployment of The Pop Up Guide, a full-stack MERN application that provides pop up event information to end users.
Provided one-on-one mentoring services to emerging full-stack developers, especially General Assembly alumni.
Presented in, and moderated, panel discussions illuminating the software engineering and DevOps industries, as well as the strengths and areas for improvement of coding bootcamp curriculum
Software Engineering Fellow
May 2019 - Aug 2019, Atlanta
Over 400 hours building applications that met user needs, modeling data, developing wireframes, and working collaboratively through version control.
Built applications from the ground up and leveraged JavaScript libraries like React to build a dynamic front-end.
Nominated Student of the Week for stellar performance.
Washington University in St. Louis, Aug 2013 - May 2017